Bhavik Patel

In the final phase of graduate education, Bhavik Patel emerges as an earnest master's candidate pursuing a specialization in epidemiology with a focus on population mental health at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. Having earned a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Minnesota, Bhavik's unwavering commitment to the realms of psychiatry and mental well-being has manifested not only through academic accomplishments but also through distinctive clinical and research experiences. Within clinical settings, Bhavik has worked as a constant observer for suicidal patients, alongside his role as a dedicated health aide for individuals coping with dementia. These roles underscore Bhavik's empathy and hands-on experience in critical healthcare domains. Bhavik's intellectual curiosity shines through his research experiences, spanning from investigating the psychological aftermath of cardiovascular surgery and exploring the potential of psychedelics in depression treatment, to studying the effects of ostracism among children. Presently, Bhavik holds the position of a FORWARD Community Action Fellow, undertaking comprehensive research into social determinants of health, adverse childhood experiences, and the use of eco-art therapies in patients with PTSD. Additionally, he assumes the role of co-president within the Trauma-Free NYC student organization. As Bhavik nears the culmination of his academic journey, his aspirations within the healthcare landscape and his fervor to catalyze transformative impacts in the spheres of psychiatry and neurology continue to grow.